70M came to OPD with Rt and Lt leg pain , stomach pain, irregular bowel movements, chest pain during swallowing

He is suffering from leg pain since 3yrs as he accidentally felt in his fields because of which rods were put in his legs. He is suffering from Rt and Lt legs pain , which is of dragging type.
He is even suffering from stomach pain and constipation. 
His chest pains during swallowing and is unable to eat on his own.
Neck and whole body stiffness is noticed in the patient.

P/O - Surgery to Rt shoulder and Hip(trauma ) and below the chest( as he used to spit blood from his mouth ) was done 30 yrs ago.

Not a K/C/O - HTN,DM, asthma, TB

Appetite - reduced , mixed diet, sleep - sufficient, bowel movements irregular, bladder movements normal , no addictions

No pallor, no icterus, no clubbing, no cyanosis, no edema 
*Palpable Rt cervical lymphnode ( hard on palpation ) 

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